Episode 2 is here! Infusing creativity into our self-care

Episode 2 is here!  Infusing creativity into our self-care

With all the heaviness and responsibility that often comes with our work - especially throughout the pandemic - it’s easy to lose touch with the more playful and creative side of ourselves. Yet the reality is, these are foundational to our existence as human beings (yes, even adult human beings) and can actually help us build complex, skilled, responsive, socially adept and flexible brains. Which, in turn, build complex, skilled, responsive, socially adept and flexible people and societies. Sounds pretty good hey?

That's why we were excited to dive deeper into the topic of creativity in our newest Thrivival 101 episode.

In this episode we speak with Dr. Jo Eckler about their awesome books (with some of our favourite titles!) and get their perspective on how creativity fits into self-care and some warning signs that we need to infuse more creativity into our lives. We also get some great ideas about how to start bringing more creativity and play into our work and personal lives - including a pretty fun way to add a new 'client' to our caseloads!

As always, we would love to hear what you think of the interview as well as any ideas you might have for topics for future 'pop-up' episodes.
