What self-care gifts have you given yourself this year?

What self-care gifts have you given yourself this year?

As the end of 2022 is quickly approaching, we’d like to encourage everyone to take a few moments to pause and reflect on the many ways you’ve taken care of yourself over the past year.

What self-care gifts have you given yourself?

Maybe you’ve worked on your connection pillar by becoming more connected (or reconnected) to your values and have used this information to guide your self-care.

Or perhaps you’ve connected with like-minded colleagues and used their support to help strengthen your courage pillar so that you could lean into the discomfort that often comes when we begin to make space for ourselves in our busy schedules.

Maybe you’ve found ways to pay greater attention to your compassion pillar (we can always use more self-compassion, whether that be the tender or fierce type) or to your creativity pillar (maybe even letting yourself get a little messy!).

Whatever it is, now is the time for reflection - and celebration!
