Make your own 'positive post-it's pile'

Make your own 'positive post-it's pile'

Remember how our brains are wired for survival, and so are great at picking up negative information, but not always so good at registering the positives?

Here’s a fun idea we’re calling the ‘positive post-its pile’ to help shift the bias: grab a stack of post-it notes/slips of paper, and a pen. At the end of each work day for the next week, ask yourself, ‘What went well today?’, and write down 3 examples (one per post-it note/slip of paper). Put these papers into something that will allow you to collect them over the week – any kind of container/jar/box/bowl/agenda book/whatever works best for you. (What the container is matters less than that you give it a try!)

At the end of the week read over all of your examples. How does that feel in your body to be reminded of the things that went well?

If you like, take a photo of your container or pile as a lasting reminder of this evidence.
