I know, I know, writing notes and reports are likely some of the last things to come to mind as potentially playful and creative aspects of our work. Documentation and ‘playful practice’ don’t seem like they can exist in the same sentence!
But stay with me here…
Even though documentation often takes on a negative or at least serious connotation in our profession, I do think there are ways that we can create more ease for ourselves when it comes to documentation. And play is really about having a more flexible and easeful way of doing things.
So if documentation is a pain-in-the-behind for you, here is an experiment to try: Write some of your notes in a co-working session with (one or more) colleagues.
As the saying goes, misery loves company, and as I’m sure we have all experienced, when we know we are not alone in doing something challenging, it often feels less difficult. And, when we can normalize challenges, we can be so much more compassionate towards ourselves, which also helps to reduce the burden of a task.
Co-working doesn’t have to happen in the same physical space either. It could be a zoom co-working session, or even just an email or text exchange at the beginning and end of the allotted time to check in on each other’s activities. Whatever works best for you and the other clinician(s) to create both accountability and solidarity!
Additionally, while the focus of the co-working session could be the same for all involved, i.e., completing/catching up on notes, each person could focus on whatever challenge is unique to them. For example, maybe it’s not writing notes, but maybe it is organizing files, finishing a grant application, doing some marketing, or even creating a new note template or note taking system. (For the bonus effect that documentation can get easier in time!)
While you may never ‘love’ documentation, as Dr. Maelisa McCaffrey says, you don’t have to hate it!
Is there is anything else you have tried that has enabled you to make your documentation more easeful? Please feel welcome to let us know.