What season are you in these days?

What season are you in these days?

So officially on the calendar it is fall.

But depending on where you are across the country, it might still feel a little like summer. Or, a whole lot like winter already!

It might also feel like you are in an unending season of stress.

And so perhaps it is time for a season of change.

We've definitely been noticing a shift in our activities - and let's be honest, motivation levels - as the weather has shifted. What was once an energizing walk through the neighbourhood on a lovely late summer evening has become a push-ourselves-out-the-door-because-we-need-to-but-can't-we-just-stay-inside-where-its-warm mental struggle.

Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate our practices.

Maybe what once worked for self-care can change with the seasons. Maybe now is not the time for long walks. Maybe, paradoxically, it is the time to start jogging. Or maybe it is the time for inside activities. Or maybe it is the time for more activities that connect us with others. Or with nature. (cue the photo above, actually from a recent hike) What it is doesn't really matter. What matters is recognizing that as the seasons change, so can - and perhaps should - our self-care practices. Just as self-care isn't one size fits all, it's not one season fits all!
