You are never too old to play - and playing never gets old

You are never too old to play - and playing never gets old

This month’s Thrivival 101 podcast episode focused on learning more about how to thrive in both our parenting and professional lives. In keeping with this theme, I thought it might be a wonderful opportunity to share one of my favourite memories as a step-mother (or bonus mother).

Several years ago my husband and I decided to surprise his then 18- and 20-year-old kids (my bonus kids) with a trip to Disney World. It was something he and I had talked about for some time and we were thrilled the time had come for us to actually take the trip.

I joyfully planned the unveiling of our big surprise and couldn’t wait to unleash my master plan. With incredible excitement, I prepared a Disney themed cake, set the dinner table with Mickey Mouse napkins, and even wore a pair of Mickey Mouse ears to dinner!

Although they embraced my silliness, as they always had, they didn’t see anything particularly unusual about this dinner (what does that tell you about me?) and never did guess what all the clues were about so we finally just told them the news. We all had a great laugh about how they missed all the carefully placed and not-too-subtle clues. I actually love the fact that they didn’t see anything particularly unusual about me or our dinner that evening. In fact, it’s one of the biggest complements I’ve ever received.

So as you’re gearing up for summer, be sure to make room for play. Remember, you’re never too old to play and playing never gets old. Wishing you all a playful and laughter filled summer!
