A little Halloween inspired self-care for you

A little Halloween inspired self-care for you

Perhaps you are feeling a bit like the cat in this photo, not exactly thrilled with the prospect of Halloween this weekend. (He/she looks so cute though!)

Or maybe its your favourite night of the year and you have been planning your costume for weeks.

Or maybe you (or your loved ones) are feeling disappointed because it's not going to be a normal Halloween.

Wherever you land on the Halloween continuum this year, we hope that you can use this opportunity to find a little fun and playfulness. Carve a pumpkin. Throw on a costume, even if it's one of those t-shirts that says 'This is my costume'. Do the 'Monster Mash'. Belt out 'Thriller' (you know you want to!). It's all good for your self-care.

We will also assume that we are all adults and can moderate our own candy consumption. But feel free to take whatever you need from this candy bowl from Blessing Manifesting.
