We can do more than 'get by'

We can do more than 'get by'

As mental health professionals, we spend our days talking with others about the importance of identifying our values, setting boundaries, making time for enjoyable activities, identifying limiting thoughts and beliefs, sitting with discomfort, etc., etc.

And of course, we also make sure to implement these strategies in our own lives too. Right?



If we are truly honest with ourselves, we definitely think about all of these topics, but maybe sorta sometimes skip over the implementing part.

We’re just really busy.

Other people need us.

We’re doing fine without doing the work ourselves.

We can ‘get by’.

Here’s the thing: we wouldn’t settle for our clients just ‘getting by’. And we sure as heck wouldn’t settle for our best friend ‘getting by’, never mind other loved ones like parents, siblings, spouses, or children.

So, if you are ready to give up just ‘getting by’, and instead reconnect with that more vibrant part of you hiding under the elastic-waistband-work-from-home-pants, please join us for our upcoming workshop!

Not only will we help you ‘Spring Clean Your Self-Care’, but we will also help you develop a more intentional plan for making this next season so much more than simply ‘good enough’.
